Wainwright Building — St. Louis, Missouri

AD Classics: Wainwright Building / Adler & Sullivan,© University of Missouri

In St. Louis stands a ten story high building that changed high rise buildings forever. Created in 1891 by Louise Sullivan and Dankmar Adler is the Wainwright building (Sveivan 2011), this building revolutionized the way we perceive tall structures in its entirety. Initially, architects wouldn’t dare to build high due to the risk of it collapsing or not being safe for an individual, but after immense thought and care, Louise Sullivan was able to design a structure that was tall, safe, and accessible to everyone. He was able to design this piece by separating them into three parts, the base, shaft, and attic, along with exposing the exoskeleton a bit with a metal structure on the inside allowed the structure to be a success and change skyscrapers forever (Sveivan 2011).


Sveiven, M. (2011, April 13). AD classics: Wainwright building / Adler & Sullivan. ArchDaily. https://www.archdaily.com/127393/ad-classics-wainwright-building-louis-sullivan.

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