Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Warsaw Poland

I visited this beautiful place in 2011, was able to witness the changing of the guards. My unit was in Poland training Polish Soldiers and Officers before we left for a mission to the border of Turkey and Syria. We were able to get a day off and bus to downtown Warsaw. The Architecture there was amazing but what made the place even more unique was some of the old buildings still showed damage from the bombings of WWII. It was like being able to see the past right in front of you.

The tomb itself is no bigger than approximately 30X50 and guarded at all times. Watching the Guards move about the space with perfection and completely in step. For any military person spending time with the remains of someone who never made it home is always emotional, and for them to never be identified makes it that much harder. It was an emotional visit but worth every second I got to stand next to this monument.

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