Project House — Muskogee, Oklahoma

Located on Elgin Street in muskogee Oklahoma is my dad’s prized possession, he was gifted this house after it caught on fire back in 2014, and since he worked hard day in and day out to restore it and give it the new appearance it has today. Originally built in 1945, this house is a four bedroom two bath house that was later converted into a duplex by my dad. The reason why this house means so much to me is because I was with my dad the whole time he worked on it, you can say its our project house, kid of like how people have project cars. On weekends or after school I would head over and help my dad any way I could. Now it stand up nice and firm with it’s newly restored interior and exterior. My dad wanted to be featured so there he is standing on the porch, I guess you could call them the architect as well since he did design the inside and outside to restore it.

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