Northside of Bizzell Memorial Library

The Bizzell Memorial Library is a beautiful building in its own right. However, it’s the more reserved northside of the building that had a real impact on me. I discovered it after class one day while taking an unusual path to my car through the narrow passage between Bizzell Memorial Library and Evans Hall. I discovered some kind of vines had grown over to entirely cover the northside entrance.

As evidenced by some Google Maps images I found, this had not always been the case. Whether this was a naturally occurring phenomenon or purposefully installed is hard to say. Nevertheless, I was mesmerized by it. If one gets close and looks straight upward, they see nothing but greenery extending out to the sky. As if looking at a  green field except vertically. What makes the scene more interesting is the little bits of reddish leaves, which complement the green nicely. I’d recommend checking it out if its still around.

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