MCRD San Diego Recruit Receiving Building

Not sure what the actual name of the building is but after asking many others who’ve gone there, everyone agreed to call it hell. This building is located on Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, California where recruits endure 13 weeks of hell of become a Marine and is the receiving building where recruits start bootcamp. This building (along with the drill instructors who made my life a living hell) had a major impact on me because it is where I started to “grow up” and becoming a more responsible person. There are three parts of the building that I will always remember and they are the yellow foot prints that are located outside of the building, the contraband room, and the phone room. Ask any former Marine  or go on youtube and you will get a very good detailed look of those three areas and why most former Marines will tell you exactly every detail of what they experienced when entering that building.

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