Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral –Louis Sullivan

When you hear the name Louis Sullivan, you think of tall buildings, or skyscrapers. Why is that? it’s because he was the one who designed the first skyscraper that shaped the way for the many in the world today, but he wasn’t just good at designing sky scrapers. Take this building for example, designed by Sullivan and built in 1903 in Chicago, is one of the two churches designed by him (Kunda 2020). Sullivan took inspiration from Russian provincial style with an octagonal roof and a bell tower over the entrance, not only that, but the inside of the building has beautiful religious art paintings and statues all around, giving it the provincial style.

As you can see, the interior design has a beautiful array of decorations as well, the light fixtures and strategically placed windows allow for the architecture to be well lit at almost any time of the day. Every bit of this building just shows how architecture is a form of art and the architects are the artists.


Kunda, A. B. (2020, May 14). 15 projects by Louis Sullivan – rethinking the future. RTF | Rethinking The Future. https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/know-your-architects/a431-15-projects-by-louis-sullivan/.

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