Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg Castle located in Germany was the first Castle that I visited when I moved to Germany. I Had never seen an actual castle before and the experience is something that I will never forget. As you walk up the steep slopes paved with large cobblestones you have to be attentive to every step you take. We took the tour throughout the castle I was mesmerized by the wooden trusses and large archways, it was elegant, foreign, and I had never seen anything like it. As the tour continued, I was surprised at some of the narrow hallways as it seemed it was built for smaller people than we have today. The outside walls can be seen deteriorating with their jagged and worn shape. Although many walls have been restored some of the walls remain worn and you can see how the rock has fulfilled its test of time. There are hundreds of castles around Germany and surrounding countries that all have their unique charm and defensive strategy for where they were built but the Heidelberg Castle always stands out to me as it was the first one I visited.

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