Blog 2

Freshman year of college I moved into Johnson tower in the Adams dorm building. This building was both a positive and negative influence on my life. This building represented my first form of freedom living in another place other than at home with my family. This building consisted of about 12 floors in each tower with about 20 rooms on each floor. When I first encountered this building it was somewhat overwhelming because it was so new and unfamiliar. I was also excited because I was going to live with one of my best friends and we were going to have the best year of our lives. This all came to a crumble when our suitmate began spreading lies about me and stealing me and my roommates things. I ended up moving out in November and into walker tower with strangers. This experience was interesting because we lived with so many  strangers yet they became friends so quickly due to all of us experiencing new things in our lives without family around for support.

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