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Edmond North

My high school in my hometown, Edmond North, had a very positive influence on me. It is a very large building with multiple different structures, including a dome like arena that happens to be where the basketball gym is. This building helped mold me into the person that I am today. I spent much of my time there for four years, including the outdoor area around it for sporting activities. I met lots of friends and had many good times. I also became educated in the process.

The Last Memorial

Guessing she had a thing for designing memorials, here is the 3rd memorial from maya lin that i’m looking into. What she calls the last memorial is a big cone shaped ring made out of american walnut wood. This big cone is designed to create a sound and she describes this cone as the “listening cone”. her idea is to challenge people on nature and the world and “what is missing”. Meaning what is missing from the world thanks to humans? I enjoy this work as it leaves you with a question and a churning mind. this piece makes me realize the amount of extinct species thanks to human advancement and our evolution.  Although its small it leaves a big mark on me as it gives a mind challenging experience.

Blog 7

Maya Lin designed the Museum of Chinese in America in a nontraditional and ornate design. This refined building includes “The Journey Wall ”, which was artwork designed by Maya Lin as well. I like this building because it is made of bronze plates that were recycled. This design incorporates those who donated and where they were from in China. There are also environmental graphics that were created for the museum.

Storm King Wavefield

Maya lin has many interesting works but however I found this Wavefield in New York to be one of my favorites.  I like this style of work because although it’s not a building, it’s a very creative piece of work. Made up of seven 400 foot long waves this artwork is fascinating to look at. If i ever make it to New York i’ll have to make a stop to check this out in person. Personally I don’t exactly know what she was trying to make people think about with this work. However I like to think its about finding the calm amongst the storm. I see a raging ocean stuck in time, dangerous yet not at all when its not moving.


Blog 6

The Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama was also designed by Maya Lin. The Memorial is made up of an elegant black granite on the walls and has names in a circle of granite. This Memorial is in memory of those 40 people killed from 1954-1968 who fought for their right of equality. The Civil Rights Memorial has a thin stream of water that flows on the names engraved on the granite. The stream symbolizes the healing properties of water.

Blog 5

Maya Lin designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial her senior year of college at the age of 21. This design was serene and simple to tribute our soldiers who were missing or dead during the time they served in the Vietnam War. She beat out more than 1,400 other contestants while completing her undergraduate at Yale. This design was meaningful yet controversial but ultimately this was dedicated to those who were lost during war to honor them.

Civil Rights Memorial

Maya Lin designed the Civil Rights Memorial that stands in Montgomery Alabama. Made out of circular black granite the memorial has 41 names of those who lost their lives in the civil rights movement. Additionally,  behind the table is a black granite wall with a famous Dr. King quote on it. I find this memorial to be similar in materials to the Vietnam veterans memorial, but it carries its own presence and importance. This really sticks out to me because it is still relevant today and things like this shouldn’t be forgotten. although it’s a rather small piece I think the Black granite speaks volumes and makes me feel chills almost.

Blog 4

My house where I grew up is a positive influence on my life. We live out in somewhat of the countryside, south of the airport in Oklahoma City. My home is a simple house that is one story with a loft. I have so many memories in this house. I would bring my friends over for sleepovers where we would sleep in my sunroom and wake up many times to the bright snow covering the ground outside. My mom always made homemade things growing up from dinner to jams to applebutter because we grow many fruits on our land. We were able to have a lot of freedom outside because of where we lived and coming home for water or food or just to play with our pets was a great experience I will never forget.

Altar Apostol Santiago

Eduardo Loza a talented future architect who is 21 years old, is devoted to “Apostol Santiago”, a few months ago as part of his devotion, Eduardo designed this altar to show his gratitude to this saint for always hearing he prays. The altar is located in a family-owned company “Petroltruck” which is a logistics company that works with the government transporting oil to Perú. This altar is close to the main door and will stay there as a symbol of protection and faith.

Eduardo is in his junior year in the architecture major, in the Universidad Catolica San Pablo in La Paz – Bolivia. At this shortage, he has designed and control the project from the beginning to the end. He has been very careful with the details in the rocks, each of the rocks in the bottom and top of the altar has been brought from many parts of the country and other states like Peru since the trucks travel to this country often. This is the first design that comes to reality from this future brilliant architect.


  The Hotel- Casino is located in  Las Vegas, Nevada the theme architect Jerde Partnership, did the best work. I had the pleasure to visit this amazing hotel in 2019. It was such an experience, one that is going to be in my memories for ever. This building represents everything of Las Vegas, luxury, pretty and entertainment. This hotel has been the most expensive building ever build whenever it opened its doors in 1998. It is my favorite building because it was inaugurated the year when I was born in 1998 and also, because of its infrastructure and everything you can do inside it, makes me love it even more, people just need to see it to feel the magic, that is how amazing this building is. It is also interesting how Americans could recreate that well the idea of Italy and it’s thematic.