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Church of The Light

The church is built in 1989, located in the city of Ibaraki, Osaka Prefecture, and it is designed by Tadao Ando. The structure is made mostly out of wood and concrete, concrete is used to reinforce the walls and the wood is used to make doors, tables, and flooring.  The 15-inch concrete call is used to “zone oneself within society”. When Tadao Ando designs buildings he usually incorporates zen philosophies in this work, so he expresses the dual nature of existence. Using the light and the solid as a contrast. 

Church of Light - Tadao Ando | Light architecture, Church of light,  Minimalist architecture

I find this building interesting because when the funds ran out Tadao decide to design the church without a roof but with the help of the people that are devoted to the church and the construction company, he was able to raise enough funds to finish the building with a roof. It shows that architecture needs to be flexible and be conservative with its design because funding is one of the big factors that can’t be overlooked. 

Church of the Light by Tadao Ando -

Shenzhen Opera House

Artist’s concept

Earlier this year (2021), Jean Nouvel won an international design competition to build an opera house in Shenzen, China.  The proposal was named, “The Light Of The Sea”.  The Shenzen government held the competition for a “world-class palace of art” to be the most important of a project that will include 9 other cultural landmarks.   The new Shenzhen Opera House will cover 220,000 square meters and include an opera hall, concert hall, operetta hall,  a multi-function theater, and other spaces for it’s functionality.  Nouvel commented, “Architecture is already a song. Architecture is an interpretation. Of a song that evokes the poetry of a place, a song that pervades that place, an echo.”

Artist’s concept

Inside of the main foyer in the proposed structure, a nacreous material will simulate the bright lustrous effects of mother-of-pearl.  Externally, the new Opera House appears to be be inspired by the waves of the sea.   Nouvel commented on his design, “At Shenzhen, then, inside as well as out, the twin image of mother-of-pearl shell and wave will open on to the ever changing light of the sea.”

Artist’s concept

Institut du Monde Arabe

The Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris, France, was completed in 1987.  (English:  Arab World Institute or AWI.)   The AWI was designed by a collaboration of  Jean Nouvel and the Architecture-Studio.   It was a non-religious building to honor the relationship between Arab culture and France.  (The Great Mosque of Paris was completed in 1926.)  The AWI houses permanent collections and temporary exhibits of Arab art and culture, a restaurant, library, and an auditorium. There are 240 of these aperture tiles on the building.  If you look closely at the first picture, there are 10 tiles high and 24 tiles in length.  The apertures are motor controlled, and operate throughout the day to increase and decrease light in the building.  They also help to regulate the temperature inside the building.   The structure rises up to 11 stories high.  On top, there are terraces on which one can dine and enjoy the views over the Seine River.


Les Bains des Docks

At first glance, it appears to be just another brown building on the docks in Le Havre, France.  However, Jean Nouvel, who won a Pritzker Architecture Prize, reinvented the concept of a public pool.  When one enters the $29 million Les Bains des Docks aquatic center, it is a world of white surroundings and inviting pools. Jean Nouvel and his team limited reverberation in the aquatic center, to limit the echos that frequently accompany pools. 

Inside, the complex houses 12 pools, which include external pools, heated pools, whirlpool, sauna, an Olympic sized pool, a cafeteria, and more.  Besides the pools, the complex also contains a dry cardio fitness area and a children’s play area.   Les Bains des Docks is open year round, and offers a place to swim in heated pools in the winter. 

National Museum of Qatar

Jean Nouvel is a French Architect who took inspiration for the designing of the National Museum of Qatar from a mineral formation called “desert rose”. The rocks tend to develop in arid sandy conditions.   A desert rose is formed from either gypsum or baryte crystals.  The petals are crystals, allowing the rock to appear to bloom.

The museum’s courtyard encircles Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Al-Thani’s original palace.  Together, the museum and the restored palace will display a rich cultural history for generations in the future.  The eye-catching waterfront museum cost $434 million.


Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg Castle located in Germany was the first Castle that I visited when I moved to Germany. I Had never seen an actual castle before and the experience is something that I will never forget. As you walk up the steep slopes paved with large cobblestones you have to be attentive to every step you take. We took the tour throughout the castle I was mesmerized by the wooden trusses and large archways, it was elegant, foreign, and I had never seen anything like it. As the tour continued, I was surprised at some of the narrow hallways as it seemed it was built for smaller people than we have today. The outside walls can be seen deteriorating with their jagged and worn shape. Although many walls have been restored some of the walls remain worn and you can see how the rock has fulfilled its test of time. There are hundreds of castles around Germany and surrounding countries that all have their unique charm and defensive strategy for where they were built but the Heidelberg Castle always stands out to me as it was the first one I visited.

The Sawyer a Kimpton Hotel

I chose The Sawyer a Kimpton Hotel in Sacramento, California as one of the architecture inspirations because I helped build it. I was a sprinkler fitter at the time which installs fire suppression systems. The hotel was built in 2017 and is 16 stories high. I installed the piping and sprinklers on every floor from the parking garage to the penthouse suites. Being able to see a building come together from the black and white plans that hung off the side of my scissor lift to the stunning completed hotel always gives me a sense of pride to see.

The Sawyer is located just steps away from the Golden 1 Center where the Sacramento Kings call home. It was designed by the San Francisco-based Puccini Group it contains restaurants, lounges, grand ballrooms, office Space, an elevated outdoor pool oasis on the 3rd floor, and over 250 rooms and suites.


Etsy is very creative and brings joy to its users and customers, and I would say it’s headquarters does the same. Located in Brooklyn, New York, the Etsy headquarters is defined as “Blurring the lines between workplace and habitat.” The open workspace and glass-filled design make the space very open and airy. Not only is the building open and inspiring, but it is also Living Building Challenge Petal Certified.

Welcome to Class Blogs

With this blog I want you to expand your understanding of architecture around the world designed by famous architects and well as the local architecture that directly influence your lives whether you understand that or not.

Beykoz duş gideri açma

Beykoz duş gideri açma

Beykoz Pimaş ve Gider Tıkanıklığı Açma

Beykoz Bölgesinde Profesyonel Gider Tıkanıklığı Çözümleri

Pimaşlarda meydana gelen tıkanıklıklar hemen hemen her evde karşılaşılan bir durumdur. Mutfak, tuvalet ve banyoda bulunan lavabo giderlerinde basit ve zorlu tıkanmalar ile karşılaşabilirsiniz. Gider borusu tıkanıklığını açmak için özel cihazlar kullanarak en kısa sürede sorunu çözmekteyiz. Beykoz bölgesinde hizmet veren firmamız, Beykoz gider açma, pimaş açma, gider tıkanıklığı açma, boru açma, tıkalı tuvalet açma, robotlu mutfak gideri açma ve banyo tıkanıklığı açma sorunlarınıza profesyonel destek sunmaktadır.

Beykoz Tuvalet Açma

Hızlı ve Etkili Çözümler İçin Bize Ulaşın

Gider tıkanıklığı çözümleri için bizlerle iletişime geçin:

  • Destek Talep Et

Kullandığımız Ekipmanlar

  • Pimaş Açma
  • Lavabo Açma
    • BEYKOZ Lavabo Açıcılar
    • BEYKOZ Pimaş Tıkanıklığı Açma
  • Tuvalet Açma
  • Gider Açma
    • BEYKOZ Gider Açma
    • BEYKOZ Gider Tıkanıklığı Açma
    • BEYKOZ Lavabo Tıkanıklığı Açma
  • Boru Açma
    • BEYKOZ Boru Açma
    • BEYKOZ Boru Açıcılar
    • BEYKOZ Boru Tıkanıklığı Açma
  • Diğer Hizmetler
    • BEYKOZ Tıkalı Boruları Açma
    • BEYKOZ Kanal Açma
    • BEYKOZ Kanal Görüntüleme
    • BEYKOZ Logar Açma
    • BEYKOZ Musluk Tamiri
    • BEYKOZ Klozet Montajı
    • BEYKOZ Kalorifer Tesisatı
    • BEYKOZ Doğalgaz Tesisatı
    • BEYKOZ Su Kaçağı Tespiti
    • BEYKOZ Pisuvar Tıkanıklığı Açma
    • BEYKOZ Süzgeç Tıkanıklığı Açma

Profesyonel Gider Açma Hizmetleri

  • Tıkanıklık Açma Robotu
    • Robotla Pimaş Açma
    • Kameralı Gider Açma
    • Tıkalı Lavabo Açma
    • Mutfak Gideri Açma
  • Kanal İçi Görüntüleme
  • Kanal İçi Yıkama
    • BEYKOZ Tıkanan Logarı Açma
    • BEYKOZ Tıkanmış Logar Açma

En Yakın Tesisat Gider Açma Hizmetleri

  • Su Gideri Tıkanıklığı Nedenleri ve Çözümü
    • Klozetlere atılan peçete, kağıt havlu, bez zamanla dirsek kısımlarında birikerek tıkanıklıklara sebebiyet vermektedir. Bu tıkanıklıklar klozet sularının yavaş gitmesine ve klozete basıldığı zaman suyun gitmemesine yol açmaktadır. Robotla, kırmadan dökmeden klozet tıkanıklığı açabiliyoruz. Tıkanıklık sorunu bir hayli can sıkıcı sorunlar yaşanmasına sebep olabilir. Gerekli müdahale ve çözüm alınmadığı takdirde içinden çıkılamayacak duruma gelebilir. Neyse ki günümüz teknolojinin gelişmesi ile birlikte tıkanıklık açma problemlerinin kolaylıkla üstesinden gelebilmekteyiz.

Tuvalet Tıkanıklığı Açma

Tuvalet tıkanıklıklarının başlıca sebepleri temizlik esnasında klozete dökülen kova vs. içerisinde unutulan bez parçaları, ıslak mendil, peçete, koku, oyuncak gibi cisimlerdir. Günümüz teknolojisi sayesinde tuvalet tıkanıklıklarını kırmadan dökmeden robot dediğimiz makinelerle açıyor ve giderlerin tıkanıklığına sebep olan cisimleri makine ucuna takılan başlıklar ile parçalayıp gider içerisine veya dışarıya doğru çekiyoruz. Bu şekilde tıkanıklık sorunu çözülmüş oluyor. Profesyonel bir firmadan hizmet alıyorsanız, pis su giderlerinizi açan tecrübeli tesisatçılar, giderlerinizin içerisi görüntülü bir şekilde kontrol edip tesisatınızın sağlığı açısından önem teşkil etmektedir.

Mutfak Tıkanıklığı Açma

Mutfak tıkanıklık sorunları oldukça problemli olur. Yemek yapamaz ve mutfağınızı kullanamazsınız. Bu sorun bununla kalmaz, kötü kokuların gelmesine de sebep olmaktadır. Mutfak giderlerinde biriken yağ artıkları ve yemek artıkları zamanla birikerek tıkanıklıklara yol açmaktadır. Buda kötü kokulara sebebiyet vermektedir. Alt yapı tesisatı yapılırken ana gider hattına doğru ve yeterli eğim verilmediyse sürekli tıkanıklıklar yaşanabilir.


İletişim için üst tarafta bulunan Beykoz gider açma ile iletişime geçin.