All posts by zacpierce

Phillips Exeter Academy Library and Dining Hall

Phillips Exeter Academy is a private highs school founded and ran in Exeter, New Hampshire. While Louis Kahn may not have designed and built the entire building, he certainly built the library and dining hall. Worked on from 1965 to 1972, it is truly beautiful. Rows and rows of books are on display with circular concrete outlines and wooden shelves. The dining hall part sits at the bottom with marble like floors to read and it. It is a modern looking library and one I would like to visit sometime.

Yale University Art Gallery

The outstanding Art Gallery at Yale University is truly a sight to see. It was created by Louis Kahn in 1951. It hosts a multitude of different artworks in New Haven, Connecticut. Yale University is extremely prestigious and only the finest works of art are put on display

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here. It is a square building with amazing large glass windows panes to help display the artwork to the public on the inside and out.

Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park

Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park was created by Louis Khan and stood in Roosevelt Island, New York from 1973-2012. It was one of the coolest parks I have ever seen in my life. Standing with a beautiful view of water, it was a long area of flat grass with rows of trees. The entire thing was bordered by concrete and it compliments it extremely well. The steps walking up to it are also a nice touch.

Kimbell Art Museum

The Kimbell Art Museum was created by Louis Kahn in 1966. It was built in Fort Worth, Texas. It is a masterful building perfectly fit to display other masterpieces on the smaller scale. It was a mostly concrete building with walkways of tree and multiple other shrubbery. He wanted to convey a natural feeling of the days changing while also having that concrete appearance.

Walker Tower

Walker Tower had sort of a mix of both positive and negative influence. It was my first introduction to life without living with the parents. That was extremely exciting and it turned out to be an amazing time. I met so many new people and some of them I am still friends with to this day. The only negative aspects was it could get uncomfortable due to the small living spaces as well as the incredibly squeaky beds. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and will learn to miss it one day.

Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium

Another building that has had an extremely positive influence on me would be the Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium. Growing up in Oklahoma, we would always travel Norman on Saturdays to watch the OU football team play in this massive stadium. It has given me many memories of joy from going wild after a big play or a game-winning touchdown catch. I have met many friends there and it is always a good time, unless we lose the game. However looking back even if we lose, we had fun while doing it.

Empire State Building

The Empire State building has certainly influenced me in a positive way. When I was around 15, Me and my family took a trip to New York City. While I was there, we did many interesting things such as walk in Central Park and go to all the shops and stores that there were to offer. My favorite thing was seeing the Empire State building and going inside of it. It made me think about the achievement this actually was and how incredible the existence of it is. It motivated me to always do my best and that nothing is out of reach with proper planning and perseverance.

Edmond North

My high school in my hometown, Edmond North, had a very positive influence on me. It is a very large building with multiple different structures, including a dome like arena that happens to be where the basketball gym is. This building helped mold me into the person that I am today. I spent much of my time there for four years, including the outdoor area around it for sporting activities. I met lots of friends and had many good times. I also became educated in the process.