All posts by wolf0009

Blog 8

Maya Lin, alongside being an architect, was an amazing artist. Lin designed “Women’s Table” and it was commissioned in 1989. This was created to show the absence of women enrolled in Yale when it began in 1701. The sculpture was finished in 1993 and women enrolled at Yale met the same as men and by 1999 women outnumbered men enrolled. This is my favorite piece of her art because it has an important meaning behind it and encourages women.

Blog 7

Maya Lin designed the Museum of Chinese in America in a nontraditional and ornate design. This refined building includes “The Journey Wall ”, which was artwork designed by Maya Lin as well. I like this building because it is made of bronze plates that were recycled. This design incorporates those who donated and where they were from in China. There are also environmental graphics that were created for the museum.

Blog 6

The Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama was also designed by Maya Lin. The Memorial is made up of an elegant black granite on the walls and has names in a circle of granite. This Memorial is in memory of those 40 people killed from 1954-1968 who fought for their right of equality. The Civil Rights Memorial has a thin stream of water that flows on the names engraved on the granite. The stream symbolizes the healing properties of water.

Blog 5

Maya Lin designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial her senior year of college at the age of 21. This design was serene and simple to tribute our soldiers who were missing or dead during the time they served in the Vietnam War. She beat out more than 1,400 other contestants while completing her undergraduate at Yale. This design was meaningful yet controversial but ultimately this was dedicated to those who were lost during war to honor them.

Blog 4

My house where I grew up is a positive influence on my life. We live out in somewhat of the countryside, south of the airport in Oklahoma City. My home is a simple house that is one story with a loft. I have so many memories in this house. I would bring my friends over for sleepovers where we would sleep in my sunroom and wake up many times to the bright snow covering the ground outside. My mom always made homemade things growing up from dinner to jams to applebutter because we grow many fruits on our land. We were able to have a lot of freedom outside because of where we lived and coming home for water or food or just to play with our pets was a great experience I will never forget.

Blog 3

My sophomore year of college I moved into my sorority house with two amazing women I had met the year previous. The Alpha Chi Omega house influenced my life in a positive way. This building allowed about 75 women to live there in various sized rooms from two girl rooms to four girl rooms. We all shared about 10 showers and 10 bathrooms all in the same area with cubbies for our bathroom items. There was a dining hall downstairs where they fed us three meals a day minus Friday and the weekend. This building allowed me and some of my close friends to live under the same roof and have a bunch of fun. Some of my friends and I would sneak out a window and onto the roof and eat donuts and watch movies. This building means so much to many women over the years that have lived there over the years. The people that run the sorority decided to raise money to get a new house. The current house is about to get bulldozed and they are going to build a new one over the course of this year.

Blog 2

Freshman year of college I moved into Johnson tower in the Adams dorm building. This building was both a positive and negative influence on my life. This building represented my first form of freedom living in another place other than at home with my family. This building consisted of about 12 floors in each tower with about 20 rooms on each floor. When I first encountered this building it was somewhat overwhelming because it was so new and unfamiliar. I was also excited because I was going to live with one of my best friends and we were going to have the best year of our lives. This all came to a crumble when our suitmate began spreading lies about me and stealing me and my roommates things. I ended up moving out in November and into walker tower with strangers. This experience was interesting because we lived with so many  strangers yet they became friends so quickly due to all of us experiencing new things in our lives without family around for support.

Blog 1

SAINT: View of east entrance to Mount St. Mary’s High School in south OKC.

One building that influenced me in a negative way was my high school, Mount Saint Mary Catholic High School. Now this building is very pretty as it was constructed and finished in 1903 and sits about 5 stories high. The building being built in 1903 means that it is ancient. The floors creak and the only source of heat is a boiler system in the basement. This building is severely outdated and needs some work but this only scratches the surface as to why I have a negative connection to it. Whether you believe in ghosts or spirits or not, this building is haunted. It is included on a ghost tour of Oklahoma and I can confirm it myself. The ghosts were not even the most terrible or terrifying thing about the building, it was the administrative people. The people that ran the school treated the students horribly unless their parents were doctors or lawyers. They would only treat those students well because they wanted their mommy’s and daddy’s to donate money to the failing school. This place constantly smelled like broccoli or beef because the cafeteria was located in the basement and would smell up the whole school. I will never set foot back in this place if my life depended on it.