All posts by Kyle Walker

Price/Adams Hall

Price Hall is home of the business school here at ou and its where the majority of my classes take place as a result of being a business major. Personally I really like the timeless design and style of price and i enjoy being in the building. This hall has had a positive impact on my life by helping me realize I’m finally taking major specific courses and on the track to graduate one day. While its just another hall here at OU, I think it stands out with its timeless style like the Bizzell Library and the administrative building. also no matter where i’m going on campus, I always seem to walk by or see Price hall as it’s in the middle of campus.

My Home

This is not the house I grew up in, however its the house my family lives in that we moved to when I got to high school. This house has had a positive impact on my life by just being home to me. This is where I spend my breaks from college and the holidays and also where I go back to see my friends from high school. I still have a bedroom there and have countless memories from living there. definitely a house i’ll never forget and as long as my parents don’t change their minds, it’ll be in my family for a while.  Honestly, one day I hope I get to live their with my family. 

Bizzell Memorial Library

While I think the Biz is a really cool looking building and I find myself in there quite often, it’s not a building i’m particularly fond of.  I Do admire the building and its beauty but I always find myself there late at night cramming for exams or doing all sorts of homework. I’m a pretty organized student except when to comes to subjects I don’t find interesting.  So I usually only find myselfat the Biz when I have a test for a subject I don’t like.  As just a junior, ive found myself taking way to many classes I don’t like or was required to take.  Also I hate that they close it at 2am, some of my best work gets done early in the morning and It’s a college campus.  So, in the long run the Biz has had a interesting impact on my life that I would credit more negatively than positively.

Adams Tower

This is a building I’m sure almost everyone can relate to or has at least seen before. I spent my freshman year living in adams tower and it had a positive impact on my life.  Living in a dorm that’s almost 40 years older than you can seem like a drag but even thought it was small and old, it was home. Personally this building positively impacted me because it was the first time I wasn’t living at home and had to take care of myself entirely on my own. This took a few weeks to master but I enjoyed the constant life, people being everywhere and never having privacy. I’m a social person so this fit me pretty well and helped me thrive.  As a junior now I’ve lived in various rent houses since them and nothing compares to living in a dorm. even though I enjoyed my time in adams I dont think Id like to do it again. one year in there was enough.

The Last Memorial

Guessing she had a thing for designing memorials, here is the 3rd memorial from maya lin that i’m looking into. What she calls the last memorial is a big cone shaped ring made out of american walnut wood. This big cone is designed to create a sound and she describes this cone as the “listening cone”. her idea is to challenge people on nature and the world and “what is missing”. Meaning what is missing from the world thanks to humans? I enjoy this work as it leaves you with a question and a churning mind. this piece makes me realize the amount of extinct species thanks to human advancement and our evolution.  Although its small it leaves a big mark on me as it gives a mind challenging experience.

Storm King Wavefield

Maya lin has many interesting works but however I found this Wavefield in New York to be one of my favorites.  I like this style of work because although it’s not a building, it’s a very creative piece of work. Made up of seven 400 foot long waves this artwork is fascinating to look at. If i ever make it to New York i’ll have to make a stop to check this out in person. Personally I don’t exactly know what she was trying to make people think about with this work. However I like to think its about finding the calm amongst the storm. I see a raging ocean stuck in time, dangerous yet not at all when its not moving.


Civil Rights Memorial

Maya Lin designed the Civil Rights Memorial that stands in Montgomery Alabama. Made out of circular black granite the memorial has 41 names of those who lost their lives in the civil rights movement. Additionally,  behind the table is a black granite wall with a famous Dr. King quote on it. I find this memorial to be similar in materials to the Vietnam veterans memorial, but it carries its own presence and importance. This really sticks out to me because it is still relevant today and things like this shouldn’t be forgotten. although it’s a rather small piece I think the Black granite speaks volumes and makes me feel chills almost.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Maya lin was just 21 years old when she beat out 1,400  competitors to design the vietnam veterans memorial.  Even though she was just an architecture student at Yale, she took up on a class challenge to make an entry on a national design competition.  The memorial is outside and made up of two perpendicular black granite walls.  These  walls are  inscribed  with  more  than  58,0000  names  of vietnam  veterans. Lin wanted the Memorial to  show that they can never come back and should be remembered. The Black granite walls are set in the side of the earth to look like a wound that is healing.  The design  works that the long black walls point to the lincoln and washington memorial. I really like this design as it can be so simple yet be so powerful and moving.