All posts by loza0011

Altar Apostol Santiago

Eduardo Loza a talented future architect who is 21 years old, is devoted to “Apostol Santiago”, a few months ago as part of his devotion, Eduardo designed this altar to show his gratitude to this saint for always hearing he prays. The altar is located in a family-owned company “Petroltruck” which is a logistics company that works with the government transporting oil to Perú. This altar is close to the main door and will stay there as a symbol of protection and faith.

Eduardo is in his junior year in the architecture major, in the Universidad Catolica San Pablo in La Paz – Bolivia. At this shortage, he has designed and control the project from the beginning to the end. He has been very careful with the details in the rocks, each of the rocks in the bottom and top of the altar has been brought from many parts of the country and other states like Peru since the trucks travel to this country often. This is the first design that comes to reality from this future brilliant architect.


  The Hotel- Casino is located in  Las Vegas, Nevada the theme architect Jerde Partnership, did the best work. I had the pleasure to visit this amazing hotel in 2019. It was such an experience, one that is going to be in my memories for ever. This building represents everything of Las Vegas, luxury, pretty and entertainment. This hotel has been the most expensive building ever build whenever it opened its doors in 1998. It is my favorite building because it was inaugurated the year when I was born in 1998 and also, because of its infrastructure and everything you can do inside it, makes me love it even more, people just need to see it to feel the magic, that is how amazing this building is. It is also interesting how Americans could recreate that well the idea of Italy and it’s thematic.

Shanghai Tower

This building is located in Shanghai, China and was constructed by Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd. However, the building itself has been designed by  many architects, engineers and constructors who made this majesty possible. I think about this building as a  good example that everything is possible. Thousand of workers made it possible and all the idea behind it made it a reality. But, it is sad that such a magnificent building is at half of its capacity, the bad organization of it was clear, maybe not during the construction but after finishing the building.

Zumthor Valley

Peter Zumthor has a typic style, which is mostly based on paying attention to the environment and flowing with it. The relation that its models have with the location, is very interesting because it is difficult for most architects to choose the correct materials and designs that highlight the area but also do not overshadow nature.

I like the design in the picture because it captures a lot of natural light for the position, it also matches perfectly with the shape of the ground, as one of the principles that we learned in class, that the architects need to design houses, buildings, projects, accessible for everyone, and regardless the weird shape of the terrain.

The Timber Houses, Leis – Peter Zumthor

Peter Zumthor is an architect known for designs with a lot of natural light and the materials he uses in his designs have a very interesting combinations with the surroundings, this infrastructure is not different, the Timber house makes a perfect image with the snow outside. The landscape is perfect for the color of the wood and also inside the house, guests can appreciate amazing views. This amazing house is the holiday house of this architect, located in a beautiful place, perfect for tourists.

Residential Home For The Elderly, Masans – Peter Zumthor

The building was constructed in 1993 and it adopted a minimalistic design which combines a variety of wood types with tufa. It has huge windows that run from its floors to the ceiling and also has numerous south-facing balconies which are sheltered. It is a modern design 22-flat complex and is part of CADONAU-Das Seniorzentrum. Its purpose is to give elderly people from mountain villages a nice place and a chance to get treatment whilst being amongst natural soundings.

This is one of my favorites designs by Peter Zumthor because once again it shows a good contrast between the outside and inside, the area where it is located and the building itself gives the good idea of a peaceful place for elderly. Natural light and natural sounds are important for seniors, since these people need calm and be away from the noisy city. And this building has been designed to maximize the feeling of bringing the outside inside.

Therme Vals, Vals – Peter Zumthor

This building was designed and built in 1996. It is consider one of Zumthor’s best works. It is characterized by the use of noble materials, clean lines, and a deep sense of serenity which makes it a perfect place to go for a retreat. If we pay attention to the background, it is interesting how the design fits perfectly with the nature around. The color of the building creates a magical and peaceful contrast with the forest around.

I enjoy all the pictures of the interior of the building and also the energy it shares, definitely a place I would love to visit.

Therme Vals is located on 7132, Vals, Graubünden.