All posts by agluna

Houari Boumedienne Agricultural Village-Ricardo Bofill

The Houari Boumedinne was built by Bofill at the request of the Algerian government to house agricultural workers and to promote agriculture in the area it was built, Abadia. The structures were built around a central square, something that is common in most Arab towns. This was also done to promote public space and to bring the community together, an important factor when developing a community.

Xanadu-Ricardo Bofill

This 18 apartment building complex was part of the La Manzanera development which also include another one of Bofill’s projects, La Muralla Roja. To me this is like modern take on a castle. The structure of this building pivots around a central axis, in which numerous cubes were added to form the apartment units. Bofill designed each cube to have function-sleeping, living, or services. I really liked this building because of where it was built. From the picture is looks like is was built on the cliff side overlooking the sea. I think that would be a sight to see especially during sunsets

Les Espaces d’Abraxes-Ricardo Bofill

When looking at pictures of this complex, I had though that maybe it was part of a palace or castle. This complex is divided into three parts-“The Theater”, “The Arc”, and “The Palace. Each part is composed of apartments and the overall design of this building is based on historical reference and classical forms. My favorite part of this complex would be “The Arc.” This is small building and is made up of 20 apartments. I really liked this one because even though its small, I really like the exterior design of it. This building has also been used in films such as the “The Hunger Games.”


La Fabrica-Ricardo Bofill

Designed by Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill, this former cement factory is now the home for the Ricardo’s family and is the head office for Bofill’s architecture firm, Taller de Arquitectura. When i first saw pictures of this building, I no idea it was at one point a cement factory.  I find it amazing how Bofill was able to transform and change the environment of this form factory into a home and office that gives off this home feeling.

The Knitting Factory

The Knitting Factory was this music venue that was located in downtown Reno, NV. This was where I went for my first rock concert. I remember waiting in line to see the rock band Seether and the excitement of being able go into the venue had me restless. I would go to a few more concerts here up until the the venue closed down and reopened under a new name and management.

Aces Tattoo Shop

Aces Tattoo Shop is located in Reno, NV and my favorite tattoo shop I have been to to get work done. Growing up, I would always pass by this place on my way to school and I loved looking at the flash sheets they had displayed on the wall. I used to get yelled at by the shop owner to leave, mostly because it was not the best environment for a kid. The environment inside the shop was this rock and roll, rebellious, and artistic lifestyle which attracted me more to it. When I would get to school I would try to redraw some of the work they had. This shop has had several different locations but my favorite is displayed below.  This shop left a big impact me because its what got me into drawing.  This shop has had several different locations but my favorite is displayed below and I especially like this night photo of it at night.

The Nugget

The Nugget (RIP) was a small hole in the wall casino that was located in downtown Reno, NV. I decided to make a post on this place not so much for the casino but for the diner that was a main attraction for the casino.  Every night, especially the weekends this place would be packed with people trying to get their legendary “Awful Awful” as they called it which was a giant burger with a big basket of fries (I could never finish the entire thing). I would go there with friends from high school to grab a bite to eat and hangout. Besides eating the food, I really liked passing by it during the night. The flashing lights and big sign out front, it really had a positive impact on my life when I was younger


MCRD San Diego Recruit Receiving Building

Not sure what the actual name of the building is but after asking many others who’ve gone there, everyone agreed to call it hell. This building is located on Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, California where recruits endure 13 weeks of hell of become a Marine and is the receiving building where recruits start bootcamp. This building (along with the drill instructors who made my life a living hell) had a major impact on me because it is where I started to “grow up” and becoming a more responsible person. There are three parts of the building that I will always remember and they are the yellow foot prints that are located outside of the building, the contraband room, and the phone room. Ask any former Marine  or go on youtube and you will get a very good detailed look of those three areas and why most former Marines will tell you exactly every detail of what they experienced when entering that building.