Bizzell Memorial Library

While I think the Biz is a really cool looking building and I find myself in there quite often, it’s not a building i’m particularly fond of.  I Do admire the building and its beauty but I always find myself there late at night cramming for exams or doing all sorts of homework. I’m a pretty organized student except when to comes to subjects I don’t find interesting.  So I usually only find myselfat the Biz when I have a test for a subject I don’t like.  As just a junior, ive found myself taking way to many classes I don’t like or was required to take.  Also I hate that they close it at 2am, some of my best work gets done early in the morning and It’s a college campus.  So, in the long run the Biz has had a interesting impact on my life that I would credit more negatively than positively.

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