Blog 3

My sophomore year of college I moved into my sorority house with two amazing women I had met the year previous. The Alpha Chi Omega house influenced my life in a positive way. This building allowed about 75 women to live there in various sized rooms from two girl rooms to four girl rooms. We all shared about 10 showers and 10 bathrooms all in the same area with cubbies for our bathroom items. There was a dining hall downstairs where they fed us three meals a day minus Friday and the weekend. This building allowed me and some of my close friends to live under the same roof and have a bunch of fun. Some of my friends and I would sneak out a window and onto the roof and eat donuts and watch movies. This building means so much to many women over the years that have lived there over the years. The people that run the sorority decided to raise money to get a new house. The current house is about to get bulldozed and they are going to build a new one over the course of this year.

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